Improvements that pay

When considering if it's time to make a change in your home situation there are a few options. Stay where I am and do some sprucing up or sell and get into something new? I get asked daily where I think the market is heading. As you know, my heart is in buying and selling real estate; however, if your thinking of staying put, here are the insights from the Cost vs. Value 2019 Report. This report details what remodeling projects pay you back best. The below 5 improvements boast between a 75-98% return on investment. As you can see, curb appeal pays! Replacing your garage door could pay you back at just under 100%. Cheers to making the most of your remodel!

1. Garage Door Replacement
2. Exterior Upgrade (Manufactured Stone Vineer) 
3. Minor Kitchen Upgrade
4. Deck Addition (Wood)
5. Siding Replacement 


Preparing to own